Board Members

The Joint Committee comprises 12 scientists from various disciplines and institutions appointed for a term of three years by the presidiums of the DFG and the Leopoldina in mutual agreement. At least one member must be an expert on ethical issues and one on legal issues. The Joint Committee is headed jointly by the vice presidents of the DFG and the Leopoldina or by representatives appointed by the presidiums.

Chair Persons

Professor Dr Britta Siegmund ML

Vice President of the DFG, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Medical Director of the Medical Department, Division of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology

Professor Dr Thomas Lengauer ML

Appointed representative of the Leopoldina Presidium, Max Planck Institute Informatik

Other Members

Dr Anna Lisa Ahlers

Max Planck Institute für the History of Science


Professor Dr Daniel Barben

Universität Klagenfurt, Departement of Department of Society, Knowledge and Politics

PD Dr Jens Bohne

Hannover Medical School, Institute of Virology


Dr Una Jakob

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt


Professor Dr Anika Klafki

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Law


Professor Dr Florian Kraus

University of Marburg, Department of Chemistry


Professor Dr Ulrike von Luxburg

Universität Tübingen, Theory of Machine Learning



Professor Dr Silke Schicktanz

Universität Göttingen, Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine


Professor Dr Lars Schaade

Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, President