National knowledge security guidelines—Secure international collaboration

National knowledge security guidelines—Secure international collaboration

National Contact Point for Knowledge Security (Ed.) (2022) National knowledge security guidelines—Secure international collaboration (p. 56) Government of the Netherlands.

World-class higher education and science cannot exist without internationalcooperation and scientific talent from all over the world. The leading positionand good academic reputation of Dutch knowledge institutions are related tothe academic freedom that is guaranteed in the Netherlands, as well as to theopenness of our knowledge institutions towards the world. Our prosperity is duein large part to scientific collaboration. At the same time, geopolitical powershifts are taking place, with economics, geopolitics and security intertwined.

Within this context, knowledge and innovation are increasingly regarded as astrategic means of power that can be used alongside or in combination withtraditional means (e.g. espionage). These developments affect everyone who isactive in the Dutch knowledge sector. It is therefore a joint challenge to bettersafeguard knowledge security.