Shih, T., Gaunt, A., & Östlund, S. (2020) Responsible internationalisation: Guidelines for reflection on international academic collaboration (Stockholm: STINT, 2020).
Internationalisation generally generates value for research and higher education. Overall, internationalisation of research aims to enhance quality and improvethe dissemination of results. Yet internationalisation needs to be pursued responsibly. Researchers, support services and HEI management need to assess the challengesand opportunities related to international collaboration. This need is particularlypertinent in cases of cooperation with partners in countries with rapidly developingresearch systems, histories of corruption or human rights violations, or incountries that are not governed democratically. In such cases, there is reasonto be more scrupulous than usual when developing collaborations. This documentprovides support for assessing potential risks and difficulties that should beweighed against the opportunities offered.