With regard to the handling of dual use research, the dominant approach in Germany aimed at mitigating dual use risks emphasizes the freedom of research and the strengthening of academic self-regulation. This article presents this approach as one example for a framework for handling security-relevant research, underlines the need for awareness-raising about risks of security-relevant…
Research plays a fundamental role in ensuring progress. Freedom of research, which is enshrined in the German Basic Law, is a fundamental requirement in this respect. Yet free research is also associated with risks. These risks can only be covered to a limited extent by legal regulations and result primarily from the danger of useful…
These Guidelines for Researchers on Dual Use and Misuse of Research have been developed by the five Flemish universities and imec, VIB, the Institute of Tropical Medicine, VITO and FlandersMake. These guidelines describe the expectations and obligations of researchers in research which might be dual use or misused. You may not have heard of these…
For the Max Planck Society responsible and compliant behaviour is a key basic requirement. It is essential for all employees – both in science and in the science support area – to observe the laws and internal regulations. Responsible behaviour must be based on the structures of our organization, a balanced system which links governance…
An annotated collection of guidelines, checklists and comparable documents is intended as a reference to help stakeholders in research and innovation to safeguard international cooperation.
The G7 members envision the continuation of a collaborative research system where the importance of all talent – domestic and international – is acknowledged. Openness and security are not contradictory but complementary and mutually reinforcing. To sustain this vision, we have developed and are embracing these principles of research security, which are common to the…
Advances in the biological sciences bring about wellbeing for humanity, but the same advances could be misused, particularly for the development and proliferation of biological weapons. To promote a culture of responsibility and guard against such misuse, all scientists, research institutions, and governments are encouraged to incorporate elements from the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes…
The “Guidelines for the Development of International Cooperations of the Max Planck Society” serve to support scientists of the Max Planck Society in in balancing freedom of research, rule compliance and individual responsibility so that they are able to successfully carry out international collaborations even under uncertain or challenging conditions.
Gene drives hold promise for use in controlling insect vectors of diseases, agricultural pests, and for conservation of ecosystems against invasive species. At the same time, this technology comes with potential risks that include unknown downstream effects on entire ecosystems as well as the accidental or nefarious spread of organisms that carry the gene drive…
The aim of the Code of the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) is to enable the intended audience – researchers as well as heads of universities and non-university research institutions – to align their internal structures, processes and actions with the guidelines for good research practice. The intention is to create a deeply rooted…
Human Rights Watch investigations found that the Chinese government attempts to restrict academic freedom beyond its borders. To counter such pressures, ensure the integrity of academic institutions, and protect the academic freedom and free expression rights of students, scholars, and administrators, particularly those who work on China or are from China, Human Rights Watch proposes…
TNO brings together people and expertise in order to create innovations. This enables us to make businesses more competitive and to contribute to a sustainable and healthy society. We set ourselves high standards in terms of conducting independent research, innovation and contributing to economic growth. Our professionals use their expertise, inspiration and customer focus to…
To promote a culture of responsible conduct in the chemical sciences and to guard against the misuse of chemistry, a group of chemical practitioners from around the world have formulated a set of ethical guidelines informed by the Chemical Weapons Convention – The Hague Ethical Guidelines.
1st version, updated 2022. Research plays a fundamental role in ensuring progress. Freedom of research, which is enshrined in the German Basic Law, is a fundamental requirement in this respect. Yet free research is also associated with risks. These risks result primarily from the danger of useful research findings being misused (known as the dual…
This report proposes a framework for ethical guidelines for computer and information security research, based on the principles set forth in the 1979 Belmont Report, a seminal guide for ethical research in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. Despite its age, the Belmont Report’s insightful abstraction renders it a valuable cornerstone for other domains. We describe…